Your Secret Name

Discovering Who You Really Are
We say we want better health, finances, and relationships. Yet, beneath the surface, we don’t think we deserve it. The truth is, we’ll never outperform our self-image.

Join me and I will help you discover Your Secret Name and you will learn how to how to SHED THE LABELS, STOP PRETENDING, AND START CREATING THE LIFE YOU DESERVE.
Join Today!
3 Levels To Serve You:
SELF STUDY: Access to the Your Secret Name self-study online course. Only $297 (plus access to private Facebook Community)
SELF STUDY w/ 3 MONTHS OF COACHING: Access to the self-study online course PLUS 3 months of coaching. $1197 (plus access to private Greatness Makers Community)
SELF STUDY w/ 6 MONTHS OF COACHING: Access to the self-study online course PLUS 6 months of coaching. $1997 (plus access to private Greatness Makers Community)
You have to be dissatisfied with average.
Unwilling to stay the same.
Ready to take action today!