Do this:
“Finally, brothers, rejoice. Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.” 2 Corinthians 13:11 ESV
We can’t allow our differences to divide us. Here are the steps to unity:
Rejoice: recognize grace in every moment.
Aim for restoration: limit your actions to only what restores and builds up and never do what tears down another person
Comfort one another: LISTEN to feel the heart of the person who is hurting and then DO YOUR PART to heal them.
Agree with one another. Lay aside your differences and commit to unity in areas of agreement. Division brings a curse. Unity demands a blessing.
Live in peace. This is the commitment that moves our areas of agreement beyond a moment or a meeting to the day to day choosing oneness over our other priorities.
The promise?
Do this and the God of love and peace will be with you.
Do this and the God of love will be with us - the love that never fails.
Do this and the God of peace - the one who crushes satan under our feet is always present.
The God of love that sees value in each person.
The God of peace that protects our hearts from chaos.
God - the one who makes impossible things possible.
Let’s do this together! #TogetherWeWin #LoveNeverFails #UnityBringsBlessing #PeacePassesAllUnderstanding