One day, God opened my eyes to a Scripture that changed everything.
John 8:32 reads, “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Please understand as a Christian and as a pastor, I had read this verse over and over again. I most likely would have been able to quote it from memory. But things started to change for me when God helped me to see the full meaning of this verse. First of all, the word for ‘know’ is a term that implies intimacy, the intimacy between a man and a woman. It isn’t just knowing about truth or even having a mental understanding of the idea of truth. It is embracing truth into your life in the same way you would have a relationship with someone very important to you. You have to make this truth a part of your daily experience. Nevertheless, I kind of knew this too. And then, God showed me something more. In my pursuit of freedom, I uncovered a truth about ‘truth’ that I had never known. I became aware that truth in the original Greek language is a negative word. What I mean is that the word is the combination of a root word with a negating prefix. Just like our words, UNstoppable or UNlockable. The original meaning of the word, truth, literally means “not” and “to conceal”.
Let me explain it like this. If we were to rewrite this verse, “You will know the truth and the truth will make you free” as it originally was intended it would read, “You will know to uncover true reality and when you know not to hide, you will be made free.” This awakened something inside me. What was it that wasn’t supposed to be hidden? What was fear causing me to overlook? Jesus is the truth.Therefore, this relationship with truth, with Jesus is the key. This truth unlocks within me my true identity, my true potential, my true purpose. When I truly embrace who I am in Christ something happens. And in those moments of fear, struggle, OCD, if I don’t forget this true reality I can respond as who I really am and not in fear.
Fear is merely the tool of the Father of lies. Fear covers our eyes so that we can’t see reality. On the other hand, truth opens our eyes to see what fear has caused us to forget. And when that happens, freedom comes because you have entered a place of remembering who you really are.
You are not dirty.
You are not confused.
You are not defeated.
You are bound.
You are not hopeless.
The truth is that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. The truth is you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. The truth is that you are more than a conqueror through Him who loved you. The truth is you will overcome this world by faith.
The truth is, you already have what it takes to be free. Don’t forget it!